Essential oils have been a huge part of our lives for about a year now. We were introduced to Young Living essential oils in 2015, but only used them occasionally. But after spending time working on a couple organic farms in early 2017, we began to see the importance of a more holistic lifestyle. Fresher food grown without chemicals and herbicides. Plant-based cleaners for cleaning our home. Living off the land and becoming self-dependent had become a new goal. So when I (Chelsea) came down with a nasty head cold during our time in Texas, I wanted to a safer, healthier option that didn’t involve snagging some over-the-counter product off the shelf at Walmart.
It all started with a throbbing, achy feeling in my ears. And because I’ve been prone to ear infections ever since I was little, I don’t mess around with achy ears. Before I was even in kindergarten, I had already had two different surgeries to put tubes in each of my ears. In second grade, I had my first skin graph operation on my left ear to fix a hole left in my eardrum from the last set of tubes. In third grade, I had the same operation, but on my right ear, to fix the same problem. Needless to say, I grew up hating doctors.
I do everything in my power to avoid going to the doctor. Especially when it comes to my ears. We had just arrived at Garner State Park in Texas. I had no idea how close we even were to civilization let alone a medical clinic. Cell service was zero. I was determined to find a solution using what I had available.
The aching in my ears was just the beginning. Before I knew it, I was battling a full on head cold, stuffy nose, scratchy throat, and all. My ears were my biggest concern. We had brought all of our main oils with us (basically all the ones that come in the starter kit). I had a handful of additional favorites, but my options were limited.
I immediately went for my Thieves, Purification, and Peppermint essential oils. I remembered one of my friends sharing about the oils she used to tackle a similar issue. I knew Purification was a biggie for the ear trouble. I knew Thieves was great for boosting my immune system, and Peppermint would help soothe the aching.
I ended up putting a drop or two of Purification oil onto a cotton ball, and gently placed just inside my affected ear. I took a separate cotton ball and dropped one drop each of Thieves and Peppermint essential oils onto it and rubbed behind my affected ear. The cotton ball was simply for application, because I didn’t feel like having to wash my hands every time I applied the Peppermint.
If you’re new to essential oils, Peppermint is considered a “hot” oil. Meaning that it can create a warming/cooling sensation to any area of skin that it touches. You definitely don’t want to get it in your eyes.
Unlike Peppermint, which is a single oil made from a single plant, Thieves and Purification essential oils are both special blends that Young Living makes. They are made of several different single oils from various plants, shrubs, flowers, etc. Thieves essential oil is a powerful immune-boosting blend. It’s cleaning properties are out of this world. It’s definitely an oil that I never go without. Purification essential oil is also great for purifying the air and getting rid of all the stank. It helps us keep our small space smelling more like flowers and less like dogs.
It wasn’t long before I felt like my little blend of oils was beginning to help soothe my issues. To stay ahead of it, I reapplied every couple of hours. I was also making myself hot tea and adding essential oils to it. Young Living has what they call a Vitality line. The Vitality oils are basically all the oils that are safe for internal use. I had Thieves Vitality as well as Peppermint Vitality. I was making myself hot tea several times a day and adding one drop of each to my drink.
I wanted to make sure I was supporting my immune system as much as possible; helping my body fight off whatever was ailing me. This was the best way I knew how.
I didn’t feel great for a few days, but I was still able to get out and enjoy the beautiful state park we were camping at. I truly believe that had I not had my essential oils, I probably would have been spending all my time feeling a lot more miserable in our bed, sleeping all day. Thank goodness for essential oils. I find myself wishing all the time that I had discovered them a lot sooner. I’m so glad we have healthier, safer options when it comes to supporting our bodies.
Since then, we’ve really upped our oily game. We now support our bodies daily with NingXia Red, an antioxidant drink. Antioxidants flush out free radicals in our bodies. The more free radicals we have in our body, the easier it is for us to get sick. NingXia Red to the rescue. It’s now almost the middle of January. And so far, we’ve been successful with avoiding sickness this flu season. In fact, neither of us have been sick since Texas! That was all the way back in April!
We’re so incredibly thankful for Young Living products. They are our one-stop-shop for keeping our home toxin-free. If you’ve never heard about essential oils before, or you are wanting to know more, I’d love for you to reach out to me. I would totally love to share everything I know. I can even help you and your family get started.